
大家好,我是SK2 TOEFL 的David , 

最近有不少同學問我:Describe 題怎麼回答?能不能使用Word Bank 來解題? 答案是:當然可以使用Word Bank ,來審題想點! 

先帶各位來看幾個Describe 題: 

1. Describe a type of movie you do not like. Explain why you don’t like it. 

2. Describe a person that you look up to as a role model. What do you look up to that person? Use examples to support your response. 

3. Describe one popular website in your country. Why is it popular? 

乍看之下,似乎每一道題目,都需要從頭想出一個答案; 然而,題目真正在問的,還是一個”why“ —— 


第二題:「你是什麼樣的人?」、「想要成為什麼樣的人?」、 「該人有哪些你想要擁有的特質?」 

第三題:「你的國家的人是什麼樣子的?」、「他們想要什麼東西?」、 「該網站有哪些可以滿足他們的功能?」 

也就是說,Describe 題,在審題時需要優先處理的,還是「各個對象」的”why”, 以上述三題為例,對象分別是”you”、”you”、”people in your country“, 

只要先去想到了對象的特質、在乎的事情——對象的”why”,便可以很容易的生出答題 思路: 


1. Describe a type of movie you do not like. Explain why you don’t like it. 

思路(理由):I have a lot of pressure-> I want to release my pressure 
答案:Romance movies (because they cannot help me release my pressure) 
故事:Romance movies usually have way too slow for me. Like Titanic, blah blah blah… 

2. Describe a person that you look up to as a role model. What do you look up to that person? Use examples to support your response. 

思路(理由):I am poor-> I want to earn money and be rich 
答案:Warren Buffet (because his stories can teach me how to be rich) 
故事:When I read Warren Buffet’s book, I realized when he invests, he… 

3. Describe one popular website in your country. Why is it popular? 

對象:“People in your country” 
思路(理由):Taiwanese care a lot about their relationship with friends-> they want to maintain good relationships with friends 
答案:Facebook (because it helps us maintain good relationships with friends) 
故事:I use Facebook 4 hours a day, just to “like” every picture my friends upload… 

只要經過一段時間的練習,這樣的審題想點「答題思路」就可以幫助你, 在準備的15秒鐘內完成, 你也可以確定你的回答是有邏輯的、不是硬擠出來的, 因為你「先有理由,後才根據理由選擇答案」。 

在正式回答Describe 題時,也提醒大家: 第一句話破題就好,不需要有太多的描述, 因為全部的細節都可以留待後面舉例時使用! 

正確的答題架構,應該是答案->理由->例子; 如果在例子出來之前,你就花了很多篇幅描述答案,或是陳述理由, 那麼後面很容易不知道說什麼,因為可以「發展」的東西已經沒有了! 

如果你還不知道什麼是Word Bank ,請看這篇: http://sk2toefl.blogspot.tw/p/blog-page_5.html 

最後,Describe題算是相對活的題目, 也因為是開放式的問題,需要我們自己想出答案, 建議同學有事沒事,就多想開放式的問題來考自己、考你的夥伴, 以提升口說的反應能力! 


1. Describe your favorite country. Why is it your favorite? 

2. Describe your favorite furniture. Why is it your favorite? 

3. Describe what you would do if you were in the middle of a bank robbery. Explain why with reasons and specific details. 


(小提醒:托福一直漲價,現在已經漲到USD180了, 年底要成績的同學建議盡快報名,速戰速決!) 

SK2 衝刺班: https://goo.gl/HH62RL 

加入2017最多人托福高分的SK2 TOEFL 臉書社團: https://www.facebook.com/groups/435337806551600/ 

SK2 TOEFL 顧問專欄、免費公開課分享: http://sk2toefl.blogspot.tw/ -- 

SK2 David. iBT 118, R29/L29/S30/W30 

SK2 TOEFL Consultant Group. http://SK2toefl.blogspot.com