0128獨立寫作,SK2 當口說來試答

大家好,我是SK2 TOEFL 的David ~ 


這次,我將嘗試把獨立寫作題目當成口說一二題來回答, 如果你一兩個月內也要考試,建議你也可以做這樣的練習, 

畢竟在幾年前,獨立寫作的題目就開始跑到口說一二題裡面來, 使得快速、精準的審題,變得更重要, 獨立寫作有30分鐘可以寫,口說一二題只有15秒能準備,來回時間差了有一千多倍。 

The government has enough money to fund either of the following to improve younger children’s education. Which do you think is the most effective? 

1. hire more teachers so that each class has fewer students 
2. let 3-year-old or 4-year-old children attend pre-school in advance 
3. provide additional training of teaching young children 



雖然開頭出現了The government,但不應該從Government 的角度去思考, 因為題目關鍵的問題是”Which is the most effective“ (to improve younger children’s education), 

也就是說,這題的目的、需要優先去定義的, 是”improve younger children’s education”,因為「目的」必須優先處理, Government 基本可以無視,換成people/business 也不會有任何影響。 

在審題的15秒內,我會快速思考,younger children’s education 「最重要的」, 也因此最應該提升的是什麼,藉此來選擇一個答案, 

我想到的是,younger children’s education needs to be interesting, 這也就是我的理由(從根本定義出發,得到的就是理由,可以讓你選擇答案) 

哪一個選項可以讓教育變得更有趣呢? 我直覺感覺是3. provide additional training of teaching young children 

這時,我也快速思考哪些字可以發展:additional training, interesting, 這些字就是我稍後例子可以發展的。 


ans: “provide additional training of teaching young children” is the most effective 

reason: younger children’s education needs to be interesting- additional training can make classes more interesting 

example: additional training/interesting 


I think, providing additional training of teaching young children, is the most effective way to improve younger children’s education. 

This is because, younger children’s education needs to be more interesting, and I believe, providing additional training, is the most effective way to make classes for kids more interesting. 

For example, if the government uses the money, to hire professional people to deal with children, and buy a lot of cool games, such as coding games and puzzles, the kids would be motivated, and encouraged to come to school everyday. They will also want to learn more. The classes will be filled with laughter, and kids would have passion in learning. Therefore, younger children’s education will have been successful, because kids can find joy in learning. 

當然,在實戰時容易緊張,回答的內容可能不會有很縝密的邏輯, 例子發展也可能無法很細,或是時間掌握不好—— 


放慢速度,穩穩回答, 即便內容有些許小問題,你的聲音可以維持你的分數於不落, 畢竟準備時間短,內容不可能每次都完美,但有自信的聲音可以告訴評分官: 「我對於我能使用英文溝通,是有自信的。」 


也提醒各位,有鑒於題目變長變難, 練習「在15秒內審完題、決定選哪個、決定理由」變得更重要, 務必習慣「題目用看的,不要用聽的」,並且只看「最關鍵的問題」, 不用理細節描述,幫自己爭取更多的時間思考! 

~SK2 David -- SK2 David. iBT 118, R29/L29/S30/W30 

SK2 TOEFL Consultant Group. http://SK2toefl.blogspot.com