口說寫作例子發展法 part 2 by J2

Hi all, 我是SK2TOEFL實力養成班顧問 J2.


今天再跟同學分享一個也很實用的例子發展方式:「時序發展」法。 其實是抽絲剝繭的方法的延伸,只是再把分出來的細項利用時間循序漸進發 展講故事。此方法因為可以很「輕鬆的」發展出五至六個句子,相對比較建 議同學用在寫作上,當然口說部分可以再精簡一下內容也可輕鬆使用! 我們直接拿一題真題來實際操作一下: 

Some students prefer to attend a university or college in their hometowns. Other students prefer to attend a university or college in a new city or town. 20171202 

假設立場是prefer a university or college in a new city of town 其中一個論點是explore new things in the city. 發展可以怎麼作呢?可 以先用一下上次提到的抽絲剝繭法, 直接把城市裡的新事物拆成細項,直接 先條列式列出來: 

fancy restaurants, new park, bar 

For example, in the morning, I can go jogging in a new park, and then find a fancy restaurant to have lunch, and maybe go to a bar at night to meet new friends. On the other hand, if I study in a university in my hometown, it’s hard to really explore new things because maybe I’ve been to most of the places. 


Some people let their children learn at home. Other people let their children to study at school. Which would you choose? Why? 20180106 

假設立場是學校上學比較好,第一個理由可能是interactions with people, studying at school can help children have more interactions with people. 

抽絲剝繭:people: teacher, classmates, friends 

1)during class, have questions can ask teacher or classmates, group discussion with classmates, 
2)during the break, can play with other kids, 
3)after class, go home together, go to friends’ house 

First, children need more interactions with people, and studying at school can make children have more interactions with people. For example, during class, when children have questions, they will learn how to get their questions answered, such as asking the teacher or asking classmates sitting next to him or her. Also, during the break, children can learn how to get along with other kids when playing hide and seek on the playground. In addition, after class, children may go to friends’ place to have slumber party. However, none of the above interactions can be done if children learn at home. 

下次同學發展例子,抽絲剝繭完後,不妨試試用「時序發展」的方式,像上 面的早中晚、上課中堂休息放學,上下句就能很自然的一句一句扣住,並且不用 花太多時間去想下一句要寫什麼,還能縮短寫作的速度! 

Cheers, J2