2017年3月開始跟以往考試很不一樣,每次考試閱讀聽力部分都是10幾題隨 機抽,所以就算同一天同一個考場考,A跟B同學碰到的三篇(or四 篇)都會不太一樣,聽力部分也是如此。
儘管如此,J2發現某些題目會一直不斷的重複考,幾乎是每個月都會出現一 次了,可以說是托福的「月經文」,例如Earth’s Atmosphere 在 2017.03.11以及2017.03.04出現過兩次,Vocalization in Frogs也是很常 出現的文章,底下就來分享一下這篇頻考文章前三段重點+題目,同學也可 以順便在以下推文作題, 推文範例:推!BCDDA 超過10推公布答案,另外視同學反應分享更多高頻文章喔!
Vocalization in Frogs (20170909, 20170506, 20150509)
第一段:先講一種在中美洲的tungara frog, 叫聲(whine)可能單獨存 在,但也可能跟著一系列的chucks. 如果在一個池子裡只有一隻公的,只會 有whine portion of the call, 但如果有其他公的存在,就會包含chucks 的聲音。科學家還做了一個實驗如果聽到事先錄好的公青蛙的叫聲,其他青 蛙就會發出chucks (That observation suggested that it was the presence of other calling males that incited frogs to make their calls more complex.)
1. The word “incited” in the passage is closest in meaning to
A) allowed
B) stimulated
C) forced
D) helped
2. According to paragraph 1, male tungara frogs add chucks to the whine they produce when
A) other males produce louder whine sounds than they do
B) the frogs are in large pools rather than small ones
C) other males are present in their breeding pool
D) potential mates are unable to hear their whine sounds
第二段:主題句直接問What advantage would a male frog in a chorus gain from using a whine-chuck call instead of a whine? 可能是可以 吸引到更多異性,兩個科學家Ryan and Rand 就做了一個實驗來測試。一樣 讓母的聽錄音,15隻裡面有14隻會比較傾向往whine-chuck的地方跑過去。
3. What is the relationship of paragraph 2 in the passage to paragraph 1?
A) Paragraph 2 casts doubt on the accuracy of a scientific observation discussed in paragraph 1.
B) Paragraph 2 provides a possible explanation for a scientific observation discussed in paragraph 1. C) Paragraph 2 identifies some strengths and weaknesses of a scientific hypothesis discussed in paragraph 1.
D) Paragraph 2 provides additional support for a hypothesis discussed in paragraph 1.
4. According to paragraph 2, Ryan and Rand conducted an experiment to find out whether which of the following theories was true?
A) Male frogs in a chorus use a whine-chuck call in place of a whine call.
B) Male frogs tend to produce more whine-chuck calls than whine calls.
C) Female frogs respond differently to live calls from males than they do to recorded calls.
D) Female frogs prefer a whine-chuck call to a simple whine call.
第三段:主題句直接問下一個問題:If female frogs are attracted to whine-chuck calls in preference to whine calls, 為何公的青蛙要在別 的公蛙在的時候才發出whine-chuck? 為何不每次發出whine-chuck就好?直 覺想到的第一個理論當然就是因為費力。One possibility is that whine- chuck calls require more energy than whines, and males save energy by only using whine-chucks when competition with other males makes the energy expenditure necessary.但是後來發現公蛙的能量消耗跟 chucks的次數並無關聯。另外一個可能性就是發出whine-chuck容易被掠食 者攻擊,例如一種蝙蝠會循著青蛙的叫聲來找到他們的下落。
5. To be attracted to whine-chuck calls “in preference to” whine calls means
A) to like whine-chuck calls instead of whine calls
B) to like whine-chuck calls in addition to whine calls
C) to like whine-chuck calls in spite of whine calls
D) to like whine-chuck calls more than whine calls