


題目:The government now plans to establish some car-free zones in the center of the city. Some like this plan for they believe it can help eliminate traffic congestion, while others dislike it because not being able to reach places like stores and restaurants by car is very inconvenient to them. What do you think of this plan and why?

這題是屬於Level 1的題目,考試遇到算賺到,只要記得要貫穿who、夠具體,並且穩穩發揮,是可以輕鬆拿到26分以上的分數,如果你的寫作一直都沒有很穩定,請你看看是不是有以下的六大問題唷!

1. 因果不直接

因果不直接的問題,是源於同學沒有站在「閱讀者」角度思考,會認為「因為A, 所以B」是理所當然的,但是英文邏輯,重視的是「過程的展開」,如果同學的因果關係不夠直接,會沒有說服力,等於沒有論證到過程,Chris舉例如下:
a. Therefore, the air pollution finally improved because government eliminated traffic jams.
b. Because there are car-zones, the air pollution can be improved.

2. 講過程不要講結果

a. Then, the drivers will not produce any garbage and those area will be very clean.
→ The drivers might stop throwing their cans and cigarets on the ground while driving on roads; thus, city will become tidy and clean.
b. Once there are some car-free zones, there would definitely be fewer cars, and air pollution could be lessened.
→ Once the car-free zones were built, fewer and fewer cars run on the road; thus, the air full of dense CO2, and dark, dirty smoke would become fresh and clean.

3. 概念展開、具體化展開

展開是什麼意思呢?是指—要把這個概念變成讓考官「摸得到、看得到、感受得到」,這個過程才算是有具體化到,我們來看一下同學的句子,假設同學的例子小結是說明:沒有car free zones 會導致交通堵塞。
a. ... result in traffic jams. (無法有鮮明的畫面)
→ the cars would not be stuck on the road for hours, blasting their horns. (立馬產生畫面)
b. have a success of solving traffic problems. (無法有鮮明的畫面)
→ the cars do not exist a hundred miles away; let alone the traffic problem.(立馬產生畫面)
成功地解決的交通堵塞的問題vs. 方圓一百里沒有車的出現,哪個比較好呢?

4. 反例不只是正例細節倒過來加個not

我們假設同學的情境是說:有了car free zones的空間,行人就可以自由穿越車道逛街,增加商店的業績。
(2). pedestrians can pass the stores, and they can look at the stores, therefore increasing the sales. (正例)
→ when pedestrians walked through clothes shop, they might be attracted by some gorgeous clothes, stopping by the store and make a purchase, therefore increasing the sales. (正例修正)
(5.). pedestrians cannot pass the stores, not even take a look at the stores, it cannot increase tax revenue. (反例只有加個not)
→ If walkers simply pass along the streets, they might walk hastily, without even taking a glance at the shop window. Over the time, the sales of the shop might drop exponentially to the point of going out of business.
一樣,反例在在展開的時候,也要稍作解釋,是為什麼沒有car free zones會導致商家業績慘淡呢?

5. 重要細節不要放在修飾語

同學的情境是說明:政府不要蓋car-free zones因為很花錢(重要資訊:花錢)
Moreover, the government does not have to hire some police **which costs ten thousands for each month** in charge of traffic control
→ Moreover, the government does not have to spend 30,000 USD dollars annually hiring traffic police in charge of directing cars.

6. 深難字迷思:會加分嗎?

(1) I am a garrulous person so I make a lot of new friends. (用深難字但沒解釋清楚)
→ I am an out-going person, and love making friends especially from Japan and Korea.(用簡單字但是具體)
(2) Vehicles usually exhaust carbon dioxide, and exacerbate the air pollution.
→ Cars running crazily on the road might produce harmful pollutants, such as dark smoke and toxic particles, thereby lowering the air quality.