常見閱讀盲點 by J2


之前也有寫過一篇關於閱讀盲點的文章,建議同學看此篇前,可以先看看 喔! 


相信大家在爬了版上文章之後,都對於閱讀該怎麼準備有點概念了。計時20 分鐘做完一篇文章,對完答案先不要急著看詳解,從文章中試著找出答案, 並且也要找出錯誤選項錯在哪裡。當然最後一定要再把不會的單字都查過, 整理在同一本筆記本(或同一個電子檔裡),單字複習至少八次,即能變成熟 悉、隨時都能即時反應的單字。 

但閱讀的其中一個盲點就是很多本來認識的單字,會轉換一下用法,例如詞 性轉換,或是取其引申的涵義,這時候同學大部分都會忽略不去查,長久下 來就會變成單字的死角,以下舉幾個例子希望大家可以意識到,再多去查英 英字典確定,確保下次看的類似用法又不會再誤會意思了! 同學在看以下例句的時候可以先自己想看看文意,再看解釋喔! 請先看這篇來自scientific American探討「地球的水從哪裡來」的文章。 

We know that comets cannot have delivered all the water in the earth's oceans because the ice in the comets contains twice as many atoms of deuterium (a heavy isotope of hydrogen) to each atom of ordinary hydrogen as we find in seawater. "At the same time, we know that the meteorites could not have delivered all of the water, because then the earth's atmosphere would contain nearly 10 times as much xenon (an inert gas) as it actually does. … … A mixture of meteoritic water and cometary water would not work either, because this combination would still contain a higher concentration of deuterium than is found in the oceans. 

不知道同學有沒有看出來 “A mixture of meteoritic water and cometary water would not work either” 的 “would not work either ” 這邊的意思是「地球的水是來自隕石跟彗星的水混合的這個理論也是說 不通的。」光看這句would not work可能很多同學會楞一下,但搭配一下先 前的兩個理論,應該就可以推出來! 

再看下一個例子: This value is easily exceeded in most coastal water, but in the deep sea, the levels of organic matter range from next to nothing to around 7 micrograms per cubic liter. 

這邊的next to nothing三個字每個同學都看得懂,但合在一起可能會一時 愣住,而且通常也不會去查字典,剛好字典也查不太到 (我試了 learnersdictionary.com還有Cambridge Dictionary), 但其實稍微想一下 就知道「沒有的隔壁 」就是「幾乎沒有; 微乎其微」,後來直接google 才 有在the free dictionary找到這個idiom的用法https://goo.gl/h3NT4X。 

類似的例子如下: The prehistoric record of the meat-eating habits of early humans is far from clear about the prevalence of scavenging. 

far from clear到底是清楚還是不清楚,再仔細思考一下,知道這句話的重 點是 「從史前關於早期人類吃肉的習慣的紀錄來看,人類是不是食腐者是不清楚的。」 


例如: Instrumental ties are social links formed when we cooperate with other people to achieve some goal. Occasionally, this may mean working with instead of against competitors. 

不熟悉此用法的同學,可能會不懂working with的with為什麼會出現在這 邊,其實只是把working with competitors instead of against competitors 簡化下來而已。 

另外較常用的省略重複字用法是 “that of” 
It compares the behavior of one type of person to that of another type of person. 
that of= the behavior of 

The tradition of religious sculpture extends over most historical periods but is less clearly delineated than that of stonewares or porcelains that of = the tradition of 

One of the outer planets, Saturn, has a density of only 0.7 that of water. 
that of= density of 

以上幾個例子只是想幫助同學釐清一些盲點,很多時候知道的單字用法必須 用上下文判斷、常見的字跟其他字搭在一起變idiom(next to nothing, far from clear),或是習慣的省略用法。意識到這些盲點可以幫助同學理 解,甚至可以加快閱讀速度(例如習慣that of的用法)。除了上述這些,建議同學也可以用類似方法整理屬於自己的問題,不只侷限在單字、題型, 希望同學可以藉此提升閱讀能力,早日獲得理想分數! 

Cheers, J2