[分享] 如何讓口說寫作發展例子更貼切?by J2

各位同學好,我是實力養成班/ J2TOEFL機經顧問J2(Jacob).

看此篇文章前,建議先看前一篇「你的寫作發展方向是對的嗎?by J2」喔!


A同學文章的例子題目是 Nowadays children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smartphones, video games, for fun and entertainment. Playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends would be better for the children's development.


Secondly, playing outside with friends can help children stay healthy easily. For example, doctors say that people need to exercise 30 minutes per day, which is good for your health. Thus, if children can play outside with friends, which can help them enhance immunity. In contrast, if children play video games at home, they can’t enhance anything for their body. Moreover, children’s eye will get hurt easily by looking the computer screen for long time.


可以這麼寫:Thus, if children can play outside with friends, they can easily reach the 30-minute-exercise-per-day requirement as doctors suggest, which can help them strengthen immunity.


In contrast, if children play video games at home, they can’t enhance anything for their body. 想辦法多扣回上面已經提到的「每天運動三十分鐘」這件事。所以可以這麼寫:相反的,如果都在家打電動,那就幾乎都坐著根本沒有運動到,也就沒有辦法達到每天運動三十分鐘的基本量,免疫力可能就會下降,長期下來就會容易生病。

In contrast, if children only play videos at home, they’ll probably spend whole day sitting on the couch and do not have the chance to do exercise at least 30 minutes per day. In the long run, their immune system may weaken and they will get sick easily.



時間:每星期二 13:00-17:00

地點:SK2 TOEFL 13樓中央教室


