
延續兩個禮拜前分享的「不藏私自修實用資源3」裡提到的詞語搭配概念, 今天想在跟同學分享一下英英字典裡大家常忽略的實用技巧,也就是單字常 連著用的「介係詞」。相信大家如果看過我之前的一些文章會開始注意到學 習新單字時,「例句」的重要性。但除此之外,要徹徹底底把這個字學起 來,同學也要特別注意介係詞的用法。 

舉一個例子:alternative (n.) 替代方案; 其他選擇, 這個字如果查 learnersdictionary, 除了先給英英解釋以外,下一行會告訴你 — often + to, 如這個例句:Doctors have been looking for alternatives to the usual treatment, but it seems there are few options. 

有些字甚至會告訴你後面一定接的詞性,例如imperial (adj.) : of or relating to an empire or an emperor帝國的; 皇帝的, 字典會在下一行 告訴你always used before a noun, 像是the Roman imperial age, imperial villas, 所以這個字是不可以單獨使用的! 


1)平常如果記熟,在口說寫作中不會用錯,而且會自然的使用出來,不用在 當下還要思考。 

2)其實無形之中可以讓你閱讀速度變快,因為你會預期看到alternative有 很大的機會接介係詞「to」,從而預期接下來的「xxx的替代方案」這樣的概 念。 

了解此概念後,大家不妨用以下句子來測試一下這些單字你真的會用嗎?以 下的句子全部來自TPO或真題, 都是非常常見的單字,可以順便把這些字學起來喔! 

1. Wind energy is being touted ___ an alternative energy to satisfy out future global energy needs. 

2. Wealth and status would most likely accrue ___ the elites of the decision-making hierarchies. (*可以順便再查一下hierarchy這個 字,在這裡並不是一般常見的意思喔!) 

3. A major shift ___ opinion occurred when it was shown that poets who had been illiterate (unable to read or write) could in fact compose long poems. 

4. This article was the impetus ___ public support for the building of a park in New York City. 

5. The way he drew even non-human characters was dismissed by many critics ___ being overly simplistic. 

6. The radio transmitter method was time consuming for researchers but provided a much better snapshot ___ migration than the leg bands ever allowed. 

7. The first steps toward change were taken by Solon in 594 B.C., when he broke the aristocracy's stranglehold ___ elected offices by establishing wealth rather than birth as the basis of office holding. 

8. When we need to tap into energy, the compressed air can be released and funneled ___ a device that converts it back into electricity. 


公布答案,建議同學這些字可以再利用英英字典再查一次,利用其他例句 加深印象,比直接看答案效果更好喔! 

1. as 
2. to 
3. in 
4. for 
5. as 
6. of 
7. on 
8. through 

希望今天的分享能讓大家更了解單字學習方式,並能更認識字典大家常忽略 的一塊,每次學習單字時有意識的記住這些介係詞用法,方能在口說寫作時 更直接的使用,閱讀也會變快,聽力更能快速吸收資訊喔! 


Cheers, J2