2018口說Task1&2分析 by J2

各位同學好,我是J2. 2018年考試已結束一個多月,一月份也已考了兩場考 試,特別以此文章整理了一下口說Task 1&2 「對象」,幫助同學了解未來考試方向。

2018年49場考試口說Task1, 2依照「對象」出現次數排序如下: 

You 19 
People 14 
Your friend 12 
University/ School 11 
students 9 
Parents 7 
Professor/ Teacher 5 
Children 5 
Community 2 
Employee 2 
Government 2 
Country 1 
Young people 1 

可以看出問you跟people的這兩個對象還是最多的, 佔了約1/4, 所以關於 you/ people的word bank 平常準備一定要很熟悉,並且可以依照題目來持 續擴大word bank。跟往年比起來,2016年出現過3次的Successful people/ success 倒是一題都沒出現,還有政府考的也不多,只有2次。 

值得一提的是,除了people/you, 去年考的最多的對象是your friend. 例 如:3/10 Task 1: 1. Your friend is going to visit your country. What kind of transportation would you recommend him/her to use? 許 多同學講到台灣第一個想到的交通工具一定是機車,但如果你朋友是個很膽 小的人,或甚至是個路癡,就不可能建議他騎機車了。所以可以藉此題目多 增加word bank, 像是My friend is bad with directions, 當然就建議他 直接搭計程車。或是My friend likes to make friends, 所以建議他搭觀 光巴士,因為可以跟同車的聊天,認識很多新朋友。或是6/10Task 1: 你的 朋友想養寵物,給一些養寵物前的建議?他如果是本身有閱讀習慣的人,當 然會建議他在養寵物前多讀一點養小狗小貓相關書籍。或是他作息不正常, 建議他調整作息,不然小狗小貓會餓肚子。 

另外University/ School去年出現頻率第四高,出現過11次,也可以多想 university/school在乎什麼、需要什麼,像是6/2 Task 1學校要捨棄報紙 用線上刊物代替,提出優點/一個缺點, 若從學校出發,學校需要省經費, 那線上刊物的優點就是可以省經費。或是6/10 Your university is going to use some money to invest in a club, which of the following should your university choose? Skiing club or math club. 從學校出發,學校在乎學生的健康,那當然選滑雪,讓學生有更多運動的機會,或 是在乎名聲,花錢贊助滑雪社可能會上報、吸引媒體報導。 

回到your friend這個對象,2019年持續考出的機會也很大,底下直接給同 學2018年12次的題目,供同學練習,有看有推,還請同學不吝推文! 

對象: Your friend (題目後面4位數為考試日期) 

1. Your friend is having a problem. Would you help him/her without asking or would you help him/her until he/she comes to you ? 0224 

2. Your friend is going to visit your country. What kind of transportation would you recommend him/her to use? 0310 

3. Your friend has just graduated from high school and decides to work rather than work. In ten years when he wants to go back to school, what suggestions would you give him or her? 0421 

4. Your friend wants to attend a summer school to graduate one year earlier from the university. Talk about an advantage and /or a disadvantage of doing this. 0526 

5. Your friend is going to keep a pet. What suggestions would you give him/her? 0610 

6. Your friend wants to study abroad but will gradate one year later. Will you encourage to him/her to do it? 0623 

7. your friend is moving into an apartment. How would you suggest your friend to learn how to cook?0908 

8. Your friend has problems with his/her academic works and comes to you for help during final exams. However, you are busy with your own final projects. Will you help your friend or focus on your study? 0915 

9. Your friend has done some great achievements. How would you celebrate for him/her? Why? 1020 

10. Your friend has sleep problems before exams or final reports. What would you do to help his/her sleep problems? 1110 

11. Your friend is going to buy a car to replace his bicycle but has to do part-time jobs to earn the money. What suggestions would you give him/her? 1117 

12. What kind of business would you like to do if you start it with your friends and why?1201 

想看更多機經整理、機經分析,歡迎加入J2TOEFL機經社團,搜尋「學科機 經整理」: https://www.facebook.com/groups/437362266344116/ 

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J2TOEFL機經社團,搜尋「學科機經整理」,掌握最新機經資訊: https://www.facebook.com/groups/437362266344116/ 


J2TOEFL「學科真題機經班」課程特色: 課程共三堂: 

*閱讀、聽力共兩堂,直接依「學科知識」分類,「一小時一 個學科」,搭配講義上整理好的學科知識、學科單字,以「真題」讓同學直 接練習,以內化困難學科,並了解近期出題方向,培養「猜題能力」,以徹 底解決同學閱讀「特定學科聽不懂」、「答題不穩定」的問題。此外,也依 照考試出題趨勢,每月更新常考主題。 

*口說、寫作共一堂,利用近一個月托福實戰的難題,讓同學練習,讓同學 習慣近期考試難度;口說部分更特邀SK2 TOEFL 衝刺班的Li-yi 顧問授課, 協助提醒評分方式和分析題目。 
